The part that really matters…


Our belief…

At Coalesced Events, we believe that today’s hard work will sow the seeds of tomorrow’s greener pastures. The perseverance and determination it takes to get there is not lost on us... In fact, it fuels us in everything we do.

What matters most to you? Better education? A sustainable planet? Racial or gender equality? Disability rights?

Let us know what’s important to your vision of the future, and we will work with you to find a great way to bring that dream to reality.

The best way to get there is together, coalesced in all that we do. That’s our belief, and our commitment. Now, it’s YOUR turn! When you work with Coalesced Events, you paint a brighter future, 10% at a time.

The impact…


EDUCAUSE & Atlantis

With our first donation as an organization, we are proud to announce EDUCAUSE’s choice to support to the disability community and to making the future more accessible to all through their $1,200 contribution to Atlantis Community of Denver, which does amazing work towards independent living for people with disabilities.

As a former employee of the EDUCAUSE family and a passionate advocate for making meetings accessible, our own Dan Stones can attest to the level of commitment EDUCAUSE has shown to going beyond ADA in advancing accessibility. They do this through open communication channels, registration options, proactive event logistics, ASL translators, AI-based closed captioning, informational web pages, presenter training and reminders, reader-friendly agendas and websites, etc.

And there is always more work to be done to make the world easier to access for our friends in the disability community! Let’s keep it going!

For this, and much more, Coalesced issues a huge THANK YOU! to our friends at EDUCAUSE and Atlantis Community!



EDUCAUSE & Atlantis Again!

EDUCAUSE is at it again! Following their inaugural Data Leadership 2021 Programs, we are elated to announce the continued support of independent living for people with disabilities in the Denver area through another contribution to Atlantis Community of Denver. This time for $2,050!

As with many social justice challenges today, success is built by sustained effort over time and we applaud both EDUCAUSE and Atlantis to their commitment to making this world more accessible for all.

Once again, a huge THANK YOU! to our friends at EDUCAUSE and Atlantis Community!




ITSM & The Delores Project

When our ITSM friends Mitch and Todd said they wanted to put their donation towards homelessness and under-represented minorities, we knew where to go. Through our connections with teachers and students at Regis University, we found the perfect match. The Delores Project operates year round, providing a caring community for women and transgender individuals facing homelessness as well as supportive housing for those having experienced chronic homelessness.

ITSM’s gift will provide shelter without judgment or barriers, and help Delores Project guests on their individual paths to self-determination. Until all of these underserved and underrepresented communities have unobstructed access to all the resources they need, we will continue this pursuit.

For being an amazing partner, and for your dedication to a more just society, Thank You Mitch, Todd and the entire ITSM Community!

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Your move…

You know where we stand. You know what we’re all about. Now, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is! Get out there and make your time and money count.

SHOW the world what matters to you.

CONTRIBUTE to something bigger.

BUILD the better future.